We have created a Telegram bot in which you can set up a real mini-call center, where operators will use their own smartphone with a telegram as a call processing tool.
Use Telegram bot to create and manage incoming call handling companies
MOREUse Telegram bot to create and manage incoming call handling companies
Place on your site a link to the company created in our service. By clicking on it, customers through the bot will be able to call you. Try it yourself by following the link below:
🙂 We will let you listen to the monkeys) 🐵
We have prepared pricing plans for all budgets so you can get started right away. They are great for small companies and large organizations.
Best Value
By default, all the companies you create use the "Free" plan. Upon expiration of the tariff you paid, the company switches to the "Free" tariff.
The "Free" tariff includes:
- 1 line
- SIP intergation!
* The number of calls per day may be limited.
We have created ideal conditions for you to get acquainted with the service!
This video will help you understand how it all works. More detailed instructions for working with the bot can be found in the section Bot documentation
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